Imagine little kids writing poems in a competition. Not there yet? Let me give you some examples...
The Kadimahnik who just learned what Haikus are:
I love you so much,The Taster who barely understands poems or love:
Today the blue team will win,
Dear judges - Go Blue.
I love you,The Tzofim kid who's super into limericks:
you love me.
We're a happy family.
With the red team winning and a punch from butt to you!
Won't you say you love me too?
Bikkurim! What's the theme? I'm on Green,And finally, the Teva Trek camper who just got into spoken word, Poetry SLAM!:
We prevent them from winning like a vaccine.
Marathon is up next,
We win in all subjects,
Make sure you wear your sunscreen.
YELLOW!Also yeah, sometimes I favorite my own tweets. But only the good ones.
Yesterday I was playing my cello. I was eating some jello. I was having a conversation with a very strange... fellow. It was mellow.
The whole thing was great! Look at me postulate the state's fate.
I was rhyming way before you were born! The sweet sweet corn. I hope you won't be the one to mourn.
The fact that we will be victorious. Because we're glorious, notorious. The other teams want to be whore-ing us.
You'll see tonight when we win. Feel goosebumps on your skin, hairs on your chin chin. And your mouth it will grin.
Woah, man. Why can't I have more than 30 minutes to write this? I was going for like 4 pages here...
Don't you hear me bellow?